keys4coins refund method exploit
With this method you will be able to get anything from completely for free. The site is a legit website selling stuff for cryptos, butI have found this massive exploit that you can get literally any product that is available for sale on Keys4Coins including Game Codesand Gift Cards
So how it works?
That’s really simple. We will use a Tampermonkey script that will inject expired payment session whenever we make a new order at keys4coins. It’s still a small company and they just got a big security breach, that’s all. Your browser will think the payment is expired and will send information to the server that you are eligible for a refund, but at the same time server side is accepting this paymentand finalizing the order.Then the refund information sent by our browser comes and they will refund your money instantly
Keep in mind that keys4coins will refund your “Expired” order only if it’s above 0.001BTC Any lower amount WILL NOT get prioritized and willrequire you to contact their support toget a refund, which will result in your request getting rejected, as they will find out that the order was already processed.
1125x844, 268 Кб

1125x844, 193 Кб

720x960, 76 Кб